Lead Business Analyst for CDU’s SDX Project

User Experience Specialist with NT Government

Director of True Blue IT Services

Senior Programmer/Application Analyst at ITMS-CDU

Technical Developer at CDU
These seasoned professionals from the IT industry have dedicated their precious time to support students on their path to success. 

All our speakers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to inspire and guide students in their career journey. 

Join us on 3 August 2023, from 2 pm to 5 pm at CAS.ORANGE.03.1.00, and seize this incredible opportunity to learn from our remarkable panel members and keynote speaker. Discover the secrets to resilience and thrive in your IT career! 

Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/…/advance-your-career-in…
Don’t miss out on this enlightening session that could shape your future! See you there! 

Tagged career, IT, panel discussion, pitching, technology