CDU IT CodeFair Ambassadors

Ambassadors 2024

Hai Vu

I am thrilled to be a part of this community. My passion for a positive working culture stems from the invaluable experiences I’ve had working alongside productive and cooperative teams. From them, I have gleaned insights and grown both professionally and personally. The IT Code Fair stood out to me as an incredible opportunity, not just for personal development, but also to broaden my network and connect with potential employers. Furthermore, I believe in giving back. Being a part of the CDU student community means more than just attending classes; it’s about contributing and ensuring that our collective student journey is meaningful and purposeful. I look forward to the myriad of experiences and connections we will share together!​

Youqing Wang (Kate)

I’m Kate. I have a Physical Chemistry and Nanotechnology background and years of working experience in International Affairs at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences back in China. I am proud and thrilled to share with you that IT is my new life focus and I am determined to become an IT professional in the coming future, as I believe that IT is more than a cutting-edge technology it will empower us to transform every aspect of our life and change the world. It is pretty cool and promising! Being an IT CodeFair Ambassador is a stunning adventure and working with the brilliant IT CodeFair team is an exciting and rewarding life experience. Let’s expect and enjoy the 2023 IT CodeFair Grand Events and make a difference in the beautiful land where we study and live-NT.

Cong Do Le (Peter)

Hi everyone! I’m Peter. I am a passionate and driven Master of Data Science student at Charles Darwin University. I am intensely ambitious to become a skilled data analyst and eventually transition into a data scientist role. Given the opportunity to serve as an Ambassador, I am committed to devote my fullest efforts to elevate the organisation. I also aim to work collaboratively with fellow team members to raise the profile of the IT-Code Fair, making it a hub for IT talents and a bridge connecting students to prospective employers. Lastly, I am eager to develop further in the technical and communications fields, areas where I have untapped potential. The role would offer a conducive environment for this, making it a mutually beneficial experience. Let’s take the IT-Code Fair to the next level, together!

Ruobin Zhang

Hello, I’m Ruobin. Previously majored in communications studies, I identified my limitations in executing quantitative research for social studies, which motivated my transition to CDU as an IT student. Through information systems and data science studies, I’ve discovered a newfound pragmatism and passion. I relish in analyzing and solving problems, and find fulfillment in collaborative goal achievement. Working with equally passionate peers in the IT industry has been enriching, and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to contribute to our shared community through IT Code fair. I look forward to facing new challenges and expanding my experiences in this vibrant field.

Nithya Romeshika Yamasinghe

Hello, everyone! I am Nithya Romeshika Yamasinghe, currently on my postgraduate journey as a Master of Software Engineering student at CDU. With three years of experience in the dynamic field of Software Engineering, I am driven by my aspiration to build a thriving career in software engineering, integration, and DevOps while constantly reaching for the latest technological horizons. I believe the CDU IT CodeFair is the most unique and pivotal event of the year. It is a remarkable platform for IT students to showcase their innovative ideas and practical solutions to real-world challenges. It fills me with immense joy and pride to be an integral part of the IT CodeFair Ambassador Team.

Shiraz Shrestha

I’m Shiraz Shrestha, your fellow enthusiast on all things technology and creativity, currently immersing into the complexities of Cybersecurity through my Master’s journey at Charles Darwin University, Australia. Navigating through multiple continents, from the rich cultural tapestry of Nepal to the innovative landscapes of the United States, and now the dynamic arenas of Australia, my journey has been a fascinating exploration of not just technology, but also of cultures, methodologies, and collaborative spirits. I’ve always believed in a symbiotic relationship between technology and creativity. Whether it’s crafting lines of code or capturing a photograph, the principle of creating something impactful and expressive remains the same. From software frameworks to lenses, my varied interests have always oscillated between the technical and the creative, embodying a spirit of continuous learning and expression through multiple mediums such as photography, videography, arts, and music. Join me as we traverse through IT Code Fair, exploring, learning, and perhaps, finding that sweet spot where technology meets art. Excited to embark on this journey of exploration and innovation with all of you!

Sanjaya Paneru

I’m Sanjaya, your go-to person for all things Cyber Security in the Master’s of IT program at CDU. Beyond the world of firewalls and encryption, I thrive on the adrenaline of staying at the cutting edge of technology. Being an international student, I’ve not only embraced the Aussie way of life but also dove headfirst into the dynamic tech culture Down Under. From bustling tech events to thought-provoking seminars, I’m on a mission to absorb every byte of knowledge and experience. Excitement is an understatement when it comes to being your ambassador for the CDU Code Fair. It’s not just an event; it’s a playground for tech enthusiasts to connect, share, and envision the future. Looking forward to coding, collaborating, and creating with all of you!