Who can Enter

Anyone who is enrolled in CDU IT courses (Short course, VET, undergraduate and postgraduate courses) in Academic Year 2024.

Your Mission

Do you have an interesting research or project? Do not miss the chance to showcase that in a poster. To enter the competition, your poster must be in size A1 (594mm x 841mm) consisting of abstract, background information, objectives, study design, results and conclusions.

Your are not allowed to present your poster to the judge in person. The judge will only have access to view your poster.

Your poster should have a visual impact and is accessible to a non-specialist audience.

Important Dates

  •  TBC

Judging Criteria

The competition will be judged by a panel based on the criteria as follows:

  • Content (30%) – Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to the topic. The subject is largely covered and in-depth including perspectives from the angle of various disciplines.
  • Convincibility (30%) – Uses information in connection with the argument or purpose of the work, presents it in a highly effective format and explicates it with consistently high quality.
  • Creativity (10%) – Exceptionally clever and unique in showing a deep understanding of the material.
  • Design & Presentation (30%) – The poster is well structured, homogenous and conscientious. When necessary, explanations are supported clearly by images or schemes that are appealing.